
Food security and rural market development

According to the FAO’s latest estimates, 700 million people in the world, mainly in rural areas, continue suffering from extreme poverty. Despite the undeniable progress made to reduce malnourishment rates and to improve nutrition and health levels, 817 million people suffer from chronic hunger and 2,000 million lack micronutrients.

Likewise, the challenge posed by climate change greatly affects small rural farmers. The increase in rainfall variability and the frequency of droughts and floods is causing a drop in the crop yield and a need for change in traditional crops. Likewise, the high temperatures and a less reliable water supply create serious difficulties for small farmers, on which many of our beneficiaries depend.

To combat these enormous challenges and improve living conditions in rural areas, CODESPA offers technical assistance and training in nutritional aspectsto thousands of farmers and rural cooperatives, and we facilitate access to goods and services that improve productivity, agricultural diversification, market access and adaptation of crops to climate change. We do this from a market approach, stressing in value chains and rural markets, on which our beneficiaries depend for their food.