
Community-managed rural tourism

According to estimates of the UN World Tourism Organisation, between 2010 and 2030, it is foreseen that international arrivals to developing countries will grow by 4.4% per year, about double compared to advanced economies. It is calculated that the emerging economies will receive close to 60% of the world’s tourists in 2030 (UNWTO, 2013).

Tourism is a factor of progress and growth for these countries, provided that it is carried out following an approach that integrates disadvantaged communities in tourism flows, and respects the local population and their environment. CODESPA promotes community-managed tourism as a model that enables first-hand, inter-cultural rapprochement between tourists and the local population. Experience shows us that it is possible to consider a tourism managed by the community members themselves, which takes care of tourism demands and allows them to obtain a complementary source of income and better living conditions.

We support rural and indigenous tourism entrepreneurs – in Andean areas – with high poverty índices so that they improve their quality levels and standards of tourism service; they maintain direct contact with the market and are owners of their business; and they have the support of the prívate and public sectors of their countries, achieving sustainability, new job sources and stable income.