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Rural market developmentof quality seeds for small producers

Angola is still recovering from the consequences provoked by a civil war that lasted 27 years. Hunger and food insecurity are, to this day, the main problems which the population faces.Nearly 25% of the population suffers hunger and in rural areas, like Huambo, it is 90% of the population.

After an initial investigation about the factors that are responsible for the hunger situation that the Angolan population lives, especially in the regions of Huambo and Bié, from us, we focused in 4 aspects:

  • Lack of quality seeds.
  • Difficulty of access to credit.
  • Absence of adequate systems of storage.
  • Lack of training in agricultural techniques.

On the basis of this diagnosis, and with the support of the Spanish Agency for Cooperation and Development (AECID) and the Programme of the United Nations for Angola´s Development (PNUD), we developed a strategy of intervention based in the multiplication of seeds of corn, soya and bean; with the objective of improving the position of small producers of value chains.

The action undertaken was based in the following components:

  1. Development of the market of a production system and maintenance of quality seeds with small producers.
  2. Installation of field schools for the adaptation and improvement of farming practices to the agro-ecological conditions and the new seeds used.
  3. Development of the market of systems of storage of low cost grain for small producers.
  4. Programme of strengthening cooperatives for the improvement of access to the market.
  5. Programme of institutional reinforcement for the implementation of the law of lands.
  6. Constitution of community credit unions for the promotion of agricultural activity within the cooperatives.

In this publication, we guide the reader through the process of implementation of the model of intervention for the improvement of agricultural productivity of small producers, so the population can reach their own food security and food sovereignty. Along the document, we intercalate more theorical aspects with traineeship we obtained undertaking this project, in Angola.

You can also download this publication in Portuguese in the following link: “Desenvolvimento do mercado rural de sementes de qualidade para pequenos produtores”.


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Rural market developmentof quality seeds for small producers
